
Experiences in our Faculty

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Mar , 31/10/2017 - 09:17


Giovanna Puntorieri, Erasmus Zaragoza 2016-2017.

Country of origin: Italy

Degree: Social Work

Sembrerebbe facile parlarvi del mio Erasmus, ma in realtá non lo é.

Non é facile perché non ci sono parole per descrivere quanto questa magnifica esperienza mi abbia cambiato, a livello culturale ma soprattutto umano.

Ho conosciuto ragazzi provenienti da vari Paesi come Francia, Argentina, Germania, Perú e non solo.

Abbiamo condiviso quest' esperienza insieme, aiutandoci gli uni con gli altri, come una vera e propria famiglia. I professori ed in particolare la cordinatrice Esperanza Montalvo ci hanno aiutato tantissimo, non solo in campo universitario, ma anche dandoci consigli su come sfruttare al meglio l' opportunitá che ci avevano offerto. 

Per cocludere, vorrei rassicurare tutti i ragazzi che vogliono fare questa esperienza ma allo stesso tempo sono frenati dalle insicurezze. A questi ragazzi dico "Partite"!.

Partecipate al Programma Erasmus della vostra universitá e andate nel paese che piú vi piace, con la lingua all' inizio sembrerá difficile ma senza nemmeno accorgervene presto inizierete a intenderla e parlarla in maniera fluida e naturale.

Perció forza e coraggio, non ve ne pentirete!

English version

It seems easy to talk about my Erasmus; actually it is not like that. It is not easy because words cannot describe how this wonderful experience changed me in a cultural but overall in a human level.

I met people coming from all over the world like France, Germany, Argentina, Peru and many more. We shared this experience together helping each other like a real family.

Professors and specially the coordinator Esperanza Montalvo helped us a lot, not only academically but also by giving us some hints in order to bring out the best from this opportunity.

Finally, I would like to say to people willing to go that may be braked by insecurities: LEAVE!

Participate to the Erasmus Program of your University and go to the place you like the most. As for the language, it is possible that it may seem difficult but you will soon be fluent without even realizing it.

So, hold on with courage and strength, you won't regret it!


Ezequiel Talavera, Intercambio Iberoamérica 2016-2017.

País de origen: Argentina

Estudios: Psicología

Realmente me cambió la vida, pero ¿en qué sentido?, mi vida dio un gran giro al encontrarme con una cultura diferente, no pensaba cuánto. No solo los compañeros y ahora amigos de UNIZAR, si no que otros Erasmus de muchos lugares del mundo, con los cuales teníamos largas charlas sobre sus lugares, sobre la familia, un cambio de visión, de malos entendidos, de idiomas diferentes, incluso el mismo español hablado en España y por los aragoneses con términos muy diferentes.

En cuanto a la experiencia de estudiar en la Universidad de Zaragoza, excelentes profesores, gran nivel educativo, muy práctico con muchos trabajos, lo que favorece la dinámica, profesores atentos a las consultas e inquietudes al igual que el personal administrativo que sin problemas me permitió acomodar mis asignaturas. La experiencia sobre el modelo de educación diferente al que estamos acostumbrados me dio una visión y energía diferente.

Fue tan increíble la experiencia que he decidido hacer mi master en la universidad en el 2019. Un crecimiento a nivel personal, académico y más que eso.

Disfruté de las comidas, viajes, cultura y la gran cantidad de amigos.

Un intercambio es algo que todos deberíamos hacer una vez en la vida.

Ezequiel realizó una entrevista para su universidad que puedes leer aquí:

English version

This experience really changed my life, but, how? My life turned around when I went to live in a different culture, I had no idea how much this was going to change it. Not only classmates and now friends of UNIZAR, but also other Erasmus from many places in the world, with whom we had long talks about their places, about the family, a change of vision, misunderstandings, different languages, even with the Spanish spoken in Spain and by aragoneses with very different terms.

In relation to the experience of studying at the University of Zaragoza, excellent teachers, great educational level, very practical with many project-works, which favors the dynamics, teachers willing to help as well as the administrative staff that without problems allowed me to adapt and choose  my subjects. The experience in a different education model, which we are used to, gave me a different vision and energy.

It was such an amazing experience that I decided to do my master's degree in this university in 2019.

Personal and academic growth, and much more than that.

I enjoyed meals, travels, culture and I made lots of friends.

An exchange is something we should all do once in life.

Ezequiel did an interview for his university, you can check it out here (it’s in Spanish):