Learn other languages
We all know the importance of learning different languages, so here we propose you some interesting options:
-The University of Zaragoza has one centre dedicated to the teaching of different languages called “Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas” located in San Francisco campus.
Here you can find courses of: German, Arabic, Chinese, French, Modern Greek, English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian.
There are different options of courses and levels so if you want to find out more, click here: http://culm.unizar.es/ (The web is in Spanish)
-But if you prefer to improve your language skills in a relaxed atmosphere, here you can find some cafes and bars where there are meetings for speaking other languages different to Spanish and where you can meet a lot of people.
-In the web of the Youth Information Centre called “CIPAJ” you can find sometimes in the ads section some people that offer to teach Spanish in exchange for another language. If you like this option, don’t hesitate to put an ad offering the exchange you want!